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Prof. Dr. Jan Beran

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Area D


Phone: +49 7531  88-2131
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Prof. Dr. Sabine Boerner

Chair for Management (Strategy & Leadership), Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area A


Phone: +49 7531  88-3058
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Prof. Dr. Christian Breunig

Chair of Comparative Politics, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C


Phone: +49 7531  88-3293
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Prof. Dr. Ralf Brüggemann

Chair of Statistics and Econometrics, Department of Economics, Area D

Dr. Maarten Buis (HD)

Junior Lecturer in Statistics for the Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Area D


Phone: +49 7531  88-3300
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Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer

Chair of Policy Analysis and Political Theory, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C


Phone: +49 7531  88-2860
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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Adrian Chadi

Junior Professor for Personnel Economics, Area A

Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl

Chair of Microsociology, Department of History and Sociology, Area D


Phone: +49 7531  88-2683
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Prof. Dr. Urs Fischbacher

Chair of Behavioural Economics, Department of Economics, Area A


Phone: +49 7531  88-2652
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Prof. Dr. Marcel Fischer

Chair of Finance, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 7531  88-2645
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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaißmaier

Chair of Social Psychology and Decision Sciences, Department of Psychology , Area A


Phone: +49 7531  88-3024
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Prof. Dr. Susanne Goldlücke

Chair of Microeconomic Theory, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 (0) 7531 88 2989
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Prof. Dr. Volker Hahn

Chair of Monetary Economics, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 (0) 7531 88 3424
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Hinz

Chair for Empirical Social Research, Department of History and Sociology, Area D

Prof. Dr. Anke Höffler

Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C


Phone: +49 7531 88 4801
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Prof. Dr. Katharina Holzinger

Chair of International Relations and Conflict Management, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C

Prof. Dr. Jens Jackwerth

Chair of Financial Economics, Department of Economics, Area B

Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim

Chair for Data Analysis and Visualization, Department of Computer and Information Science, Area D

Prof. Dr. Axel Kind

Chair of Corporate Finance, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 7531  88-3951
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Prof. Dr. Sebastian Koos

Professors in Sociology with a Focus on Social Movements, Area D


Phone: +49 7531  88-3003
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Professor mit Schwerpunkt Lehre Dr. Sven Kosub (HD)

Professor of Computer Science, Department of Computer and Information Science, Area D


Phone: +49 07531 88-5263
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Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze

Professor for Organisational Studies, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area A


Phone: +49 7531  88-2355
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Prof. Dr. Michael Kupper

Professor for Probability Theory and Mathematical Finance, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Area D


Phone: +49 7531  88-2146
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PD Dr. Jürgen Lerner

Algorithmik, Department of Computer and Information Science, Area D


Phone: +49 7531 88 4039
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Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen

Chair of Political Science and International Politics, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C


Phone: +49 7531  88-2924
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann

Chair of Macroeconomics, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 7531  88-5120
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Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips

Chair of Psychological Methods, Department of Psychology, Area A


Phone: +49 7531  88-2564
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Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider

Chair of International Politics, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C

Prof. Dr. Almuth Scholl

Professor for International Macroeconomics, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 7531  88-3615
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Prof. Dr. Guido Schwerdt

Chair of Public Economics, Department of Economics, Area C


Phone: +49 7531  88-2218
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Prof. Dr. Peter Selb

Chair for Survey Research, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area D

Prof. Dr. Susumu Shikano

Chair of Political Methodology, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area D

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stefani

Chair of Accounting, Department of Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 07531 88-5251
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Prof. Dr. Nils Weidmann

Communication, Networks and Contentation Research Group, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area D


Phone: +49 7531  88-5676
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Prof. Dr. Nikolay Zubanov

Chair of Organisational Economics, Area B


Phone: +49 7531  88-2992
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Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber

Chair of German Politics and Public Administration, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Area C


Phone: +49 7531  88-3374
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